Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,136 through 3,150 (of 3,540 total)
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  • in reply to: Change the register link #3899

    Yes, I have just resolved this issue, please recheck.

    in reply to: change shop page #3898

    Hi you,

    To change default sorting in shop page, please add this code to file functions.php ( child-theme):

    add_filter('woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby', 'organey_default_catalog_orderby');
    function organey_default_catalog_orderby( $sort_by ) {
    	return 'date';

    Possible values are:

    menu_order (Default) – by the custom order first, then by product name
    popularity – by the number of sales
    rating – by the average rating
    date – recently added products will be displayed first
    price – cheapest products will be displayed first
    price-desc – the most expensive first
    rand – in a random order (read also how to retain pagination in this case)

    in reply to: Popup Cart Translate #3897

    Hi you,

    I have just fixed this issue, please recheck.

    in reply to: Problems with the issue in migration #3886

    Hi you,

    I have disabled all plugins, used the default theme to test your problem, but it is still not resolved. I also tried to install another plugin to debug but still can’t install. It seems that the server you are using is having problems with the website.

    Please provide Cpanel login so I can check your hosting again.

    Ok, let me know if you need to help.

    in reply to: Update Piizalian #3878

    Hi you,

    I have checked the website and it is still working, please tell me more details about the problem you are having, I will check and help you.

    in reply to: Unable to create My site Same as shown in the Demo #3877

    Hi again,

    Please go to the editing section of this template, move your mouse to Inner Section -> Click Copy:
    -> Move to the location where you need to add Inner Section -> Click on Inner Section -> Click Paste:

    in reply to: Changing colour of buttons globally #3873

    Hi you,

    To setup color for your site, please follow guide at Setup Color

    in reply to: Problems with the issue in migration #3871

    Hi you,

    I have checked your website and everything is fine, please check again and let me know if you need further assistance:

    in reply to: Remove an element on checkout #3870

    Hi you,

    I have just resolved this issue, you need to disable MailPoet 3 plugin.

    in reply to: How to delete “Guarantee Safe Checkout” from product page? #3869

    Hi you,

    To remove them, please copy and paste this code to file functions.php( child-theme):

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'kosis_remove_button' );
    function kosis_remove_button() {
    remove_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'kosi_wishlist_button', 35);
    remove_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'kosi_compare_button', 34);
    remove_action('woocommerce_share', 'kosi_social_share', 10);
    in reply to: Change the product page #3868
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi there,

    To change this text, please go to Appearance -> Customize -> Woocommerce -> Single Product -> Edit Single extra description:

    in reply to: Unable to create My site Same as shown in the Demo #3854

    Hi again,

    Please take a photo screenshot about this issue, I will check and try to help you.

    in reply to: Slow on the mobile version #3851

    Hi you,

    #1. Make sure your server response speed is as fast as possible, I have checked through google check speed and found that the response speed is not good, please check again

    #2. Some of the banner images you are using are too large, causing slow downloads, please optimize all your images before uploading to the website.

    #3. Use only 1 cache plugin for your website, using many cache plugins will lead to conflict with the website. Some cache plugins require hosting like Litespeed cache to work…

Viewing 15 posts - 3,136 through 3,150 (of 3,540 total)