Forum Replies Created
1. when we login dashboard its showing mask images but with out login please check it it is not working both home and about page mask images not showing ,if you do any changes in backend please check in another browser, the issues will reflect
2. what is the issue with theme from latest update we are facing different kind of issues, with elementor and theme changes ,
3. what is the solution for comparison section remove from product pages,
hello sir i have raised issues clearly with images but you have given simple reply delete cache, i have done all the things and i have clearly mentioned, issues with images please let me know about solution , and in product page we are getting issue with comparison how to remove comparison section from product page this is worst alignment
i have checked backend the image issue coming from mask setting, when i am update elementer plugin this issue reflecting ,
hi after update elementor plugin getting some iisues please check it,
please check this section :
Blueoxy Cleaning Products
– Stay Green , Stay Cleanimage not working , in about page also
thank you i have find
still showing in all blogs only fisrt one fixed
hello we are facing issue with blog page blog page showing dummy content
text :
Health cardio tellus fin amet intend morbi consectetur adipiscing forte. Nullam volutpat rutrum mode technical maecenas a velit ornare. Pharetra interdum libero vitae novum at fiber. Mauris etos vitae turpis interdum pulvinar mode nisi malesuada consectetur fusce libero est cuprum. Node gravida et elit sed auctor novum donec blandin laoreet rhoncus a risum novec convallis.
this text displaying all blog posts why ?
i have reset my site again, ok i will find out solution for speed optimization
we loss footer data also , did you taken any backup before doing this things ?
ohh our entire site collapsed now , menu not working some other pages content loss
Hi i have checked site speed it is loading very slow so i have asked out hosting providers they said the issue is coming from your theme side ?
i got bellow reply from server side: please check it thank you
These all factors are contributing to the website being slow. The website’s speed does depend on the type of server but it more depends on the website’s optimization.
Website optimization is purely related to Website Development.
As of now, you have these options in order to improve the Website Speed:
Give it a go yourself, by following the instructions and articles that I’ve sent to you.
Find a Website Developer from or any other Freelancer Agency, and hire them to help you fix performance issues.
If the steps above don’t seem like a solution – we can help you as well!
For a fair price of 60USD per website, our technical team professionals can take care of your websites’ performance! The process would take up to 3 business days. -