HomePage Forums Themeforest Canymix – Candle Handmade Shop WordPress WooCommerce Theme Theme throwing the error with Elementor plugin

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  • #11896

    I had installed and configure the theme and after that it has throwing the error with Elementor plugin, see the screenshot:-




    Please send the admin website for me, I will check and try to help you.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I reset data and re-imported demo for your site, please recheck.


    Thanks, the website is working fine now.

    But you have imported the wrong demo data, I need to import the home page 3.

    Also, it seems the when I tried to select header, it’s not changing, please check and re-import the demo for home page 3.


    Based on my requirements, I have set the header and footer, so there is no need to re-import demo data.

    But another issue is when we try to select the header or footer from theme settings it’s not select the option and always keeps selected blank option the blank option.


    Header and footer settings still apply to your website, please review: https://prnt.sc/Lg0s46YQu79L

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