HomePage Forums Themeforest PakrCo – Single Property WordPress Theme the parallex image gets blurred in iphones and TV displays..

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  • #9074
    Support Expired

    After all the problems were solved by you … I transferred the site to production hosting and again the images started distorting in iphone mobile and tab devices

    Production URL is this and you can check this here.

    Also both the Contact Form are not working as expected, Form 1 is giving error “One or more fields have an error. Please check and try again.” although all fields were filled up and the bottom Form loaded and clear up the fields but no success message is shown – confusing whether its submitted or not

    Please check and help me resolve the issue here



    #1. The image on mobile: I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    #2. Edit and setup the contact form here: https://platina.in.net/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpcf7&post=4897&active-tab=1

    You need to setup SMTP email: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-set-up-wp-mail-smtp-with-any-host-ultimate-guide/

    Support Expired

    The parallex images are still getting distorted in iPhone and Mac device, checked using browser stack.

    Kindly fix that.

    Contact form are fixed by me, I removed the min and Max condition which was applied

    Support Expired

    The images (parallex images) are still not working on iphones – check the snapshots ….

    the form submission issue is resolved by removing the min and max date constraint on the contact form


    I cant debug on iphone or mac devices hence you will need to help me again solve the issue – as you had done last time


    parallax image does not work on mobile and tablet so I have disabled this option on your home page.

    Support Expired

    Just to inform you that the mobile responsive ness is seen in elementor mobile view (admin panel) but the same layout does not work when you open the site


    so creating more confusion – how to solve the issue – seen the elementor designer says its resolved but when you check the output it still showing the same issue in mobile view.

    Support Expired

    Issue resolved 😄

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