HomePage Forums Themeforest Kosi – Furniture WooCommerce WordPress Theme The logo is not displayed on social networks viber ..

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  • #4674
    Support Expired

    HI, help please when I reset the site on social networks the site logo is not displayed ( null ), only the white square. Maybe some plugin additional plugin needs to be installed?


    Hi you,

    About this issue, please install Yoast SEO plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/ and add image for this page

    Support Expired

    Thank you, I succeeded with the icon! I have another question, tell me how in the mobile version of the site in the bottom menu, mark the number of items added to the cart, place next to the cart icon? At the moment she is right

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by AvatarSadov_it.

    Please copy this css and paste to file style.css ( child-theme):

    .footer-width-fixer .site-header-cart .cart-contents .count{
        top: 0px;
        right: 10px;
    Support Expired

    Tell me if you can do as on the “wish list” on all extensions of phones, tablets … That the number of products and the basket were together?

    Support Expired

    On the tablet in general to the left of the basket is displayed, you need to look like in the “wish list”

    Support Expired

    Tell me if you can do as on the “wish list” on all extensions of phones, tablets … That the number of products and the basket were together?


    Please send Admin web account for me, I will check and try to help you.

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    Support Expired
    Support Expired

    Even on iPhones Plus versions, it is not displayed correctly


    I can only fix the relative display for you on some screens, I can’t fix it absolutely for all different screens.

    If you want the best display for screens, please pay a custom fee for this request

    Support Expired

    Thanks, I’ve had enough of these fixes

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