HomePage Forums Themeforest Organey – Organic Food WooCommerce WordPress Theme Shop elementor and My Account elementor does not work

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  • #3448
    Support Expired


    I’ve a pretty issue, i want to update Shop layout (update words and picture…) but when i try to update the layout in the element it’s not open also My account page.

    Can you help me about that thank’s !



    HI you,

    Shop page is the default Woocommerce page, so you cannot edit it with Elementor.

    Support Expired


    So tell me how can i change the front of this layout ?
    The picture ?



    Hi you,

    I have just setup Breadcrumb for Shop page, please go to Shop breadcumb edit -> Edit section -> Change image background: https://prnt.sc/1qgowk9

    Support Expired

    Hello thank’s you i’ve changed the front but now the articles and filters have disappeared from the shop layout why ?


    Hi again,

    I checked this issue and it’s still working normally: https://prnt.sc/1qh3eco

    You have to link the page to the shop page and not the edit breadcrumb page, I fixed this for you

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by SupporterSupporter.
    Support Expired

    Hello i see !

    So how can I put in the shop page the “Breadcrumb” that i have set ?

    Thank’s !



    HI again,

    We create breadcrumbs and use them for different pages: https://prnt.sc/1qhdzag
    – Shop Breadcrumb: used for Shop page and product category pages
    – Single Product: Used for single product page
    – Breadcrumb Global: used for all remaining pages
    The naming is clear to distinguish the breadcrumbs, you should not rename them all to the same Boutique name, we will not be able to distinguish which breadcrumb you use for which page.

    I also showed you how to change the background image for the breadcrumbs of the shop page, please review the instructions carefully

    Support Expired


    I am back after few weeks busy…!
    So i have stil a problem with your breadcrumb, i can’t change the text and even we have “boutique” in the “boutique” breadcrumb when i launch the app i stil have the old breadcrumb as shop as next : https://prnt.sc/1ruvjkv
    How can i change the words please ?

    Support Expired


    I have also the same about “about us” page how can i change the background and the words as next : https://prnt.sc/1ruzk48


    Hi you,

    #1. Shop page: you need to rename this page.
    Shop => Boutique

    I changed for you, please recheck Boutique

    #2. Please go to Pages list -> Click edit page -> Rename page: https://prnt.sc/1rwxpir

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by SupporterSupporter.
    Support Expired


    Wonderfull it works very fine then I’ve updated also the other pages.

    So what about “Home” button how can i change the name please ? => https://prnt.sc/1rx9i4e

    Thank’s !

    Support Expired


    I also want to change theses words of to translate it in french…
    How could i change it ?

    => https://prnt.sc/1rxqbgn
    => https://prnt.sc/1rxqfop
    => https://prnt.sc/1rxqgky

    thanks !


    Hi again,

    #1. https://prnt.sc/1rx9i4e

    I fixed this issue

    #2. https://prnt.sc/1rxqbgn

    Compare: I resolved this issue.

    Add to wishlist: Please go to WPC Smart Wishlist and change text: https://prnt.sc/1ry7oh0

    #3. https://prnt.sc/1rxqfop

    Please go to mailpoet settings and change this text: https://prnt.sc/1ry8ibx

    #4. https://prnt.sc/1rxqgky

    Please go to Organey Mail Chimp and change this text: https://prnt.sc/1ry8owh

    Support Expired

    Hi again,

    Wonderful, it works perfectly, I have another question I want to translate also inside “compare pages” the words as next https://prnt.sc/1ryh5ej

    Could you check it, please!


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