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  • #4944
    Support Expired

    Hello, please tell me how to make the image of the product on the product page remain unchanged in its size. That is, not to make it big or small ..

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    I need both in quick view, implemented perfectly, images do not change their size ..

    Thanks for the help!


    Hi there,

    I have just fixed this issue, please delete all caches and recheck.

    Support Expired

    Thank you, everything works!


    Ok, let me know if you need to help.

    Support Expired

    Hello, please tell me how to make the images in the store were the same size? That is, I upload different sizes and on the site photos are framed in one size


    Hi you,

    I have just fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    Photos do not adapt to the specified image size of the store

    Support Expired

    Can you tell me not to crop the image? It is required to be framed to the specified size

    For example, I made a sample in Figma

    Thanks for the help, it’s very important to me!


    Hi there,
    We have fixed your problem
    please have a look

    Thanks and have a nice day!

    Support Expired

    Hi, thanks for the help, can you tell me if it is possible for the images to be displayed completely so that they are not cropped?

    It should be implemented as in this store, so that the images are not cropped


    Above you said need the images to display equally, not resized. To fix this, we had to fix the height of the image, so of course some longer sized images would be cropped. Now you want the image not to be cropped???/

    I don’t know how to please you???/

    Support Expired

    Sorry for not being able to explain correctly

    1) Initially, the images changed in size

    2) Then you change the height of the image, then the large image is cropped

    3)Please tell, whether it is possible to make that the thumbnail of the image in shop was the fixed size for example (800х800px). And the image itself was not cropped but adapted to the specified size of the store’s thumbnail?

    Sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your understanding and help!


    Hi again,

    If you want the image not to be cropped, and the images are of the same size, you must process the image before posting. You have to crop all the images to the same size eg 600 x 800px then all the images will show the same size and not be cropped

    Support Expired

    I understand, thank you for your help!


    Ok, let me know if you need to help.

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