HomePage Forums Themeforest Organey – Organic Food WooCommerce WordPress Theme Product Category – product sorting and brands

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  • #5120
    Support Expired


    There’s a problem with product sorting on product category. If I choose f.e. “Sort by Price: Lowest first”, nothing happens.

    Another problem – also on product category – if I click on any of the tags, f.e. “Nutz”, the products shown are correct, URL is correct, but the title in breadcrumbs (H1) doesn’t refresh. I need to press F5 for the title to refresh as well. The same goes for brands, f.e. clicking on “Clearspring”.

    Could you please check? Thank you.



    Hi you,

    I have just fixed this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired


    Thank you, the first issue is now resolved (product sorting).

    The second one is still the same. After clicking on brand/tag (in sidebar), H1 title stays the same. It only changes when I refresh the page. Could you please take a look?

    Kind regards,


    Hi again,

    Please recheck your site, I fixed this issue.

    Support Expired


    It works. Thank you, have a nice weekend.



    Ok, let me know if you need to help and hope you will vote 5 stars for our team.

    Thanks and have a nice weekend!

    Support Expired


    1. I have the same problem as last time: After clicking on brand (in sidebar), H1 title stays the same. It only changes when I refresh the page. Could you please tell me what you did so I can do it on my own (website is now live)?

    2. Could you also tell me how to get rid of share social icons below the “add to cart” button (on the product page)?

    Thank you!


    I can’t login to admi dashboard, please recheck for me: https://prnt.sc/26vpo2u

    Support Expired


    Could you please just tell me how to do it, so I can do it on my own?

    Thank you,


    Hi again,

    #1. Please check and send Admin web account for me, I need to check your site.

    #2. Please add this custom code to file functions.php ( child-theme):

    add_action('init', 'organey_fnc_custom_code', 999);
    function organey_fnc_custom_code(){
    remove_action('woocommerce_share', 'organey_social_share', 10);
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by SupporterSupporter.
    Support Expired
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired


    1. This is still the same. For example … if I click on one of the product categories (f.e. “Sirotka – izolati in hidrolizati”), I land on this product category. This is OK. But if I then click on one of the brands (f.e. “Crown Sport Nutrition”), only the URL changes, but not the H1 in breadcrumbs. Please see the screenshot.

    Screenshot: https://ibb.co/8msCHFD

    If you manage to fix this issue, please let me know what you did, so I can do the same on production page.

    2. Have you managed to solve the issue with error_log? I also need to repeat the steps on production, so please let me know what you did.

    Thank you,


    Hi again,

    I have just fixed this issue, please recheck.

    You need to add custom class to breadcrumb section: https://ibb.co/gPvMfqy

    These customizations are fixed in the main theme, so please keep the following files when updating the main theme:
    1. organey/assets/js/woocommerce/ajax-shop.js
    2. organey/includes/woocommerce/woocommerce-template-hooks.php

    Support Expired


    I’ve found one more issue – the description of product category stays after clicking on brand.

    Please do the following to see the issue:

    1. Open one of the product categories with added description, for example this one: https://www.vitalgo.si/proteini-beljakovine

    You can see this product category has some description added under breadcrumb section: “Proteini ali beljakovine sodijo med osnovna makrohranila, ki telesu predstavljajo vir energije …”

    2. On the bottom of the left sidebar click on one of the brands (BLAGOVNE ZNAMKE), for example click on: Foltin

    3. Scroll up and you will see that the description of the previously visited product category stays visible on the brand page. After refreshing the brand page (F5) the description is gone. It should be gone directly after clicking on the brand “Foltin”.

    See the screenshot for details: https://ibb.co/qDWcvwN

    Could you please advise how to fix this?

    Thank you!

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