HomePage Forums Themeforest RBpazt – Auto Parts Store WooCommerce Theme No images are seen if I activate the registration to see prices

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    Hello, I have made it so that visitors have to register to see the prices, and now the photos do not load in the article file, the image of the article does not load either, if I press preview at the beginning if they are visible.
    How do I get the photos to be seen without the price being seen for a visitor who does not register?
    Can you help me with this?


    I see that images are still displayed normally for customers who are not logged in: https://prnt.sc/TuVea8ZGgB1W


    Items that have variations do not match the photo, and that the variations are not seen, it may be because it is associated with the price. But the image of the article does not load either.


    The error may be caused by the Smart Variaciones de Imágenes y Muestras de WooCommerce plugin.
    I disabled the plugin and it now displays images normally: https://prnt.sc/WjpVmC-_7FSW

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