HomePage Forums Themeforest Tritmix – Fashion Elementor WooCommerce Theme I can’t custmise the design as i want

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  • #11050

    1. i want this shop page layout as it is:

    but i can’t see where to edit it to have it as i see it is, as you can see here:

    2. i want this product layout:

    Isabel Marant Brycy Sneakers Bk0047-00m001n-white

    but i can’t see where to edit it either, as you can see here:

    Also, i want to show a custom attribute with its image in the product page like here:

    3. i need to change the login page titles as here

    Please I need to solve this ASAP


    this topic have been open for almost a week,
    I need an update ASAP




    1. We are reviewing this setting and will update it in an upcoming theme version

    2. I fixed this issue, please recheck.
    You can use HTML to add a short product description

    3. I resolved this issue, please recheck.


    thanks forgetting back to me,

    for issue 1,
    I need this design as we already about to move forward with this design, and this one is the one catches our eyes,
    so if you can ably it from your end until the next theme update this will be amazing



    We have updated the new version to handle this problem, please check and update the theme for your website


    Hi there,
    after we applied the new theme version,
    the edit that have been done in the product page got breaked down,

    we have noticed that when choosing the product page style from here Tritmix WooCommerce Detail
    style one don’t work, only the rest,

    we want this product layout as it is > https://demo.leebrosus.com/tritmix/product/isabel-marant-brycy-sneakers-bk0047-00m001n-white/
    and if it got edited from the code i need to know what got edited and where,

    access still the same,


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatarsanna39.

    I resolved this issue, please recheck.
    You can go to Elementor Settings -> Trimix Woocommerce -> config: https://prnt.sc/FKcXfB_5uZxE


    Hi there,

    I need to know how to stop the animation for the products hover in all of the site,
    I did tried the the “none” option in the “Tritmix WooCommerce” but its not working;



    Ok, I fixed this issue, please recheck.


    I checked but now the animation upon hover is NOT working at all not even when I choose a different hover option,
    we need to stop and change the hover animation any time,



    Oh, I previously edited the image function so the previous effect no longer works.
    I have now removed this code for you.


    Hi there,

    we want to activate the mega menu but its not working,
    we have created a popup menu called: “Menu popup” in elemnetor templates and we want it to be the mega menu that will show on the hover over the Shop page,


    I resolved this issue, please recheck your site: https://prnt.sc/pLwyhKkhu5Ne


    the menu is not working as the design, it looks wrong
    also, the mega menu does NOT work on the taplat or the phone sizes, the whole navbar disappear, we need the navbar to be workig with the mega menu created,
    also we need to remove the dark line that walk across the navbar items,

    we need to fix that ASAP


    1. That’s right, I see you changed a lot of headers and didn’t use the menu widget we provided.
    If you want to display the same as the demo, please reuse the header we provide and not the header you have customized.

    2. On tablet or mobile devices, mega menus are not supported, so you must use submenus instead: https://prnt.sc/sfVHcBbhuck9

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