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  • #2915
    Support Expired

    Hi im using your theme and after some changes the footer that i choose does not line up at “desktop” its not centered. Everything seems in order. One more is that i use mailchimp form at the footer and some some strange reason it links to the “cart” and i cant find your how to remove that.
    As i wrote at codecanyon i m using woofood plug in and when i enable it i think it conflicts and after the first object i put on cart it doesnt add more. Can you check it for compatibility please? Woofood developer told me its maybe “fractals” doesnt renew (something like that)
    ** Last do i need to do anything to have elementror pro or rev slider licenced?
    I wish i was understood. Thank you


    Hi there,

    #1. Footer edit: I don’t understand this issue, please take a photo screenshot about this issue, I will check again.

    #2. Cart link on mailchimp form: I fixed this issue.

    #3. Woofood plugin: please take a photo screenshot about this issue, I will check again.

    #4. We don’t support Elementor Pro, if you want to use, you need to purchase this plugin.
    Revolution Slider: We bought an extended license to be able include it in our theme, and we own only one license key (as well as in case with single license), theme buyers are not allowed to use that key.

    To update the new version, please deactivate the current plugin, download the new plugin at and re-install.
    Link download:

    Support Expired

    Thank you for your quick reply. And sorry that the site is in Greek
    Footer is ok , i reverted back and forth and its now centered.
    So the woofood changes the button – add to cart , and the layout at sidebar cart, and checkout
    Anyway i click on a product, add to cart, and (i attach you in Green) it says product added to cart but there is no product to display and the cart is empty.


    Support Expired

    Sorry, we don’t support the WooFood plugin for this theme.

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