HomePage Forums Themeforest Organey – Organic Food WooCommerce WordPress Theme Elementor many issues (responsive)

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  • #11236
    Support Expired

    Hello, I have many problems with Elementor, I see these issues on my website :

    Warning: Undefined array key “column_mobile” in /home/naturaliwu/www/wp-content/themes/organey/includes/elementor/widgets/product.php on line 1066

    Warning: Undefined array key “column_tablet” in /home/naturaliwu/www/wp-content/themes/organey/includes/elementor/widgets/testimonial.php on line 1203

    Warning: Undefined array key “column_mobile” in /home/naturaliwu/www/wp-content/themes/organey/includes/elementor/widgets/testimonial.php on line 1204

    Warning: Undefined array key “column_tablet” in /home/naturaliwu/www/wp-content/themes/organey/includes/elementor/widgets/brand.php on line 728

    Warning: Undefined array key “column_mobile” in /home/naturaliwu/www/wp-content/themes/organey/includes/elementor/widgets/brand.php on line 729

    Moreover, I can’t view the site on my mobile…

    Do you have any idea where does the problem come from please ?


    I fixed this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired

    Thank you very much, what was the problem ?


    Config columns has not been installed on tablet and mobile, I have reinstalled it for you

    Support Expired

    Ok, will it keep it when I update the theme in wordpress appearance menu ?



    Currently I am fixing it directly in your main theme, please do not update during this time.
    We will check and update in the upcoming version

    Support Expired


    I encounter 2 problems :

    – Recently, product images of my shop no longer load when I use products tabs on my home page or the other : https://www.natural-innov.com/la-gamme/

    – Can I update the theme now because you fix some problems due to many problems with Elementor when I’ve installed it at the beginning.


    Support Expired

    Sorry, my first problem with the product image is solved (plugin conflict), but what about the theme update, can I update safely my theme without losing the settings you have made ?


    In case the website is still operating normally, you do not need to update the theme

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