HomePage Forums Themeforest Petpuzzy – Pet Shop WooCommerce Theme Variant product and cart

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #12906
    Support Expired


    I’ve encountered a few bugs on my client website:

    1/ On the archive page, when I use the add to basket button on a variable product, a popup window opens to choose the variation, but I can’t choose the variation and I can’t add it to the basket, simple products works well.

    2/ On the checkout and cart page, if I click on the basket menu, the sidebar no longer displays any products, can you fix that or is ti possible to put a redirection to the shopping cart for these 2 specific pages on cart widget header ?

    3/ Also on the shop sidebar, the basket widget is not working properly when product are on it, and is it always visible when empty.

    Thank you for your help


    We updated theme for you and your problem resolved!


    Support Expired

    the technical support is great.
    Thank you very much for the corrections.

    Have a nice day.

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