HomePage Forums Themeforest PakrCo – Single Property WordPress Theme Trouble with Header/Footer

Topic Resolution: Resolved


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  • #12275
    Support Expired

    Hello there! thank u for your support! im having troubles with the header and footer of the theme, is not showing properly, it appears on white and seems to be broken (when im trying to edit the component, Elementor Header & Footer plugin exit with a 404 error) i appreciate your help!

    PD: page is on spanish but dont hesitate to change the language of WordPress

    PDD: i have another problem with max-min size of theme, but idk if i should post another topic 🙂

    Let me know if u need anything else

    Best regards


    We have resolved the issue of the header and footer not displaying correctly.

    As for the issue with being unable to edit, you can refer to the link here.

    Thanks and have a nice day!

    Support Expired

    Hello there! thank u, i can see the Header & Footer, many thanks! but i los esome information on my main page :c some components that i made is gone,did u save a backup of the page before the changes?

    Thank you!

    Best regards


    I didn’t modify any of your data, just updated a new elementor version which caused the header and footer to malfunction.


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