HomePage Forums Themeforest Moteling – Resort & Hotel WordPress Theme Room Description Page is broken


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  • #10397
    Support Expired

    1: Room description page is broken.
    2: And I couldn’t find any option to change inner page’s background image behind breadcrumbs in the header.

    Please help.


    Please recheck your site, I can’t connect to your site: https://hotelnexus.in/uat

    Support Expired

    It is working. Please check again. If you want you can tell me the fix or can fix using anydesk on my local setup.


    I fixed this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired

    Hi, I had mentioned two points. One is done and thanks for that. But second point is still pending. I can’t see any header image for inner pages behind breadcrumbs. Please tell me how do I show and change the images.


    2. Please go to https://hotelnexus.in/uat/wp-admin/post.php?post=1208&action=elementor
    -> Edit section -> Tab style -> Background image -> change image: https://prnt.sc/p0u48zgl_Z19

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