HomePage Forums Themeforest PakrCo – Single Property WordPress Theme Possible issue with Elementor Header and Footer plugin?

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #12171
    Support Expired


    My website (cordagecc.com) started displaying 2 headers and I can’t seem to be able to remove or edit the one that shouldn’t be there. I received the wordpress recovery email indicating that there is an issue with the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin but it seems to be functioning properly.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Hi there,
    We have fixed your problem!
    Let us know if you get any issue, we will give you the best solution to resolve them.

    Don’t forget to vote us 5 stars 
    Thanks & Regards,

    Support Expired


    Thanks for the response but I still see 2 nav headers on the website. The one with the blue background and the one with the white background.
    I would like to remove the second one – the one with the white background.

    Please advise.

    Thank you again.


    Please check your browser cache. We have confirmed that the second menu is now removed.


    Support Expired

    Okay thanks. I purged the LiteSpeed cache and now I see that the second menu is not visible. However, the VH on some of the pages seems to be off. I can make the adjustments to fix them but can you please let me know what the issue was and how you removed the header?

    Much appreciated,



    The issue was caused by the Elementor update to version 3.22.x, which removed some functions that led to the header and footer not working correctly. We have addressed this in the latest version, and the problem has been resolved.

    Hope this help!

    Support Expired

    Okay great, thank you for your help with this.


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