HomePage Forums Themeforest RBpazt – Auto Parts Store WooCommerce Theme Issue with the Import Content process

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  • #7538
    Support Expired

    Hi Team,

    The Import Content process for theme Home 5 has an issue, it doesn’t complete the importing process it’s only reached to 12% max then reset to 0% and keep looping!
    See loom video link below:

    Check it please.

    Support Expired
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    I have just imported demo home 5 for you, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired


    Thank you.
    But the rest of the pages are not imported?!
    A lot of stuff are missing, all the templates that are saved in my templates are empty as well, there is no content!
    And could please let me know why you delete my user account and disabled a lot of the plugins?

    What is the issue? please explain because I will wipe out everything and install them again, so is this issue will happen again?

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Avatarqayszubaidi.
    Support Expired

    I created a fresh WP on a subfolder and having the same issue, importing process not able to complete!!



    The error may be caused by your plugins and server not being able to fully download the demo.
    I had to manually import all the demo data but still lost some images and some data.
    – I used WP reset to delete all old data to reinstall the demo from scratch, so it will delete all old users, old plugins you installed
    – I think the problem is your hosting, the response time when importing is quite long

    Support Expired


    Got it.

    I don’t think the issue form the server because this is not a first time I am using it and not only this website have it.
    And this is a first time am facing like this issue!
    I already changed the PHP.INI setting so it should have enough time for process! see link below

    Support Expired

    Guys the issue solved.
    You are right the issue from my end.

    Thank you

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