HomePage Forums Themeforest PakrCo – Single Property WordPress Theme Design Issues with PakrCo Theme in Front-End (Affected Block: PakrCo Project)

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  • #12989

    The website design using the PakrCo theme does not render correctly in the front-end, while it appears structured and functional when editing the pages in Elementor. Specific modules and visual elements, such as the PakrCo Project block, fail to load or display as intended, resulting in a broken design on the live site.

    This issue is exclusively related to the PakrCo theme, as it persists across multiple WordPress versions and clean installations. Other themes (e.g., “Hello Elementor”) do not exhibit this issue, confirming that it is specific to PakrCo. The discrepancy between the Elementor editor view and the live front-end negatively impacts the user experience.

    IMG index: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oZ4ROA3lzYnoR_9cScojye6IInYyXR54/view?usp=sharing
    IMG Elementor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bv8eUKzIK8SAaMUcScbicG3e3Mb3wvFi/view?usp=sharing

    Additional Note:
    It appears that this issue is affecting multiple blocks within the PakrCo theme, not just the PakrCo Project block. This suggests a broader compatibility or rendering problem that impacts various components of the theme when displayed on the front-end.


    Hi there,
    Please update latest version and your problem resolved !


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