HomePage Forums Themeforest Piizalian – Fast Food Restaurant WooCommerce Theme CHow to cange “Search from text” and “Search icon title” in handheld footer

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  • #3406
    Support Expired


    Please tell me:

    How to cange “Search from text and redesign frame” and “Search icon title” in handheld footer?

    Note: I want to keep search function.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by AvatarFinnPrints.

    Hi you,

    Please take a photo screenshot about this issue, I will check again.

    Support Expired

    Thank you.

    Those One I fixed them.

    There is anothe two issue:

    – Ttopping prices are same for both pizza sizes, how can I set topping price for normal size in 1 euro and for family size 2 euro ?

    – Second one is previe of topings in mobile version is horrible because ther is no space for two columns, how can I set it to one ?Screenshot of  toppings  Quick view

    website : https://erbilravintola.fi/


    Hi you,

    #1. You need to create a variant product with 2 options:
    – normal size
    – family size

    Like our demo: https://demo.leebrosus.com/piizalian/product/fantastic-iron-shoes/

    Follow guide at Variable Product

    #2. Please copy and paste this css to file style.css ( child-theme):

    @media (max-width: 768px){
    .wc-pao-addon .form-row {
        width: 100%;
    Support Expired

    Thank you So much for the replay.

    They are in two different variant but even in your demo topping prices are same for both.

    – It was fixed but not completely, is it possible to reduce margin of toppings more to get
    them all in a line ? (Some of them are long and price move to second line)



    #1. You must set a price for each Variable:
    Adding Variation Data

    #2. Please add css code to file style.css ( child-theme):

    @media (max-width: 768px){
     #woosq-popup .single-product .product .summary .summary-content{
       padding: 20px !important;
     .wc-pao-addon .wc-pao-addon-wrap{
        margin: 0 !important;
     .wc-pao-addon > * {
        padding: 0 5px;
    .wc-pao-addon .form-row label, .wc-pao-addon .wc-pao-addon-wrap label {
        display: block !important;
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