HomePage Forums Themeforest Kosi – Furniture WooCommerce WordPress Theme Cannot Edit Page with Elementor

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  • #6456
    Support Expired

    when i opened the Shop Page using the elementor, it showed an error said “You must call ‘the_content'”



    Shop page is the default page of Woocommerce, you cannot edit it with Elementor. Unless you use the Elementor Pro version and use the template for this page: https://elementor.com/academy/how-to-customize-woocommerce-product-product-archive-pages-via-elementor/

    Support Expired

    actually i want to use that page without the “Shop Cart” things, so it would be like product display, is it possible to edit it with WooCommerce ? does this theme include Elementor Pro or should i pay more for it ?



    You mean remove action icons here? https://prnt.sc/0HqXFIBHTnRS

    You can use this custom CSS code:

    li.product .product-transition .shop-action{ display: none;}

    Elementor Pro is commercial, of course you have to pay to use it. However, if you use Elementor Pro’s template customization function, the theme styles may be lost.

    Support Expired

    actually, i want to remove everything about the cart including the price, so that it would be just gallery product catalog
    where should i put that custom CSS code ? can you guide me ?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Avatarlinzwarehouse.

    You can add to Customize CSS: https://linzlighting.id/wp-admin/customize.php?return=%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-editor.php

    I hide price product and remove header cart, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    but the hover cart (action icons) and add cart still there , in Shop Page, how to remove that ?


    Please delete all caches and recheck: https://prnt.sc/gO-aFsQorNWI

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