HomePage Forums Themeforest Organey – Organic Food WooCommerce WordPress Theme Attribute variation description on choice is not showing

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #12260
    Support Expired

    Hello Support Team,

    We are facing an issue with the WooCommerce product attribute variations (configuration terms). We are unable to see the variation descriptions on the UI that we have filled in. When selecting variations, we expect to see the descriptions we added to the configuration terms for the product attributes. This is a vital issue for us, and we expect it to be resolved promptly.

    Also make necessary if needed in child theme.

    I am attaching the screenshot for the same

    Image 1: https://ibb.co/LZdPQr1
    Image 2: https://ibb.co/PC4ftfz

    Thanks & Regards

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Support Expired

    Hello Support,

    As you mentioned, our support had expired, but we recently extended it. Could you please confirm whether we still need to make a payment despite having extended support?

    Thanks and Regards

    I am attaching the screenshot of the extended support for the same:

    Image : https://ibb.co/r7gzPbp


    As I mentioned, we will still support you!

    The issue you are requesting is something that WooCommerce does not support natively. It will require some custom coding, and you will need to pay a fee for this service.


    Support Expired

    Ok, thanks We will get back to you shortly

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