HomePage Forums Themeforest Petpuzzy – Pet Shop WooCommerce Theme Error with buttons add to cart in the wishlist

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  • #7399
    Support Expired

    I noticed that in your demo and on my website, the texts are not displayed “Add to cart” on the buttons in the wish list, can I get help in this topic?

    Yours demo: https://prnt.sc/aEV6zFB6z3kF and https://prnt.sc/IRKCsLk_XYCw



    Please send the admin web account for me, I will check and try to help you.

    Support Expired
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    I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    It’s still wrong here. Be sure to write me down what you changed, as we maintain a repository


    Oh sorry, I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    write me what has been changed on the site, I need to know

    This reply has been marked as private.
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