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  • #3806
    Support Expired

    Hey, I just purchased this theme and I would like to know how can I upload my own icons and have them display in the dropdown menu with the header 5 style. Thank you so much.


    Hi you,

    1. If it is an image file:
    – Upload image files to media library
    – Go to Customize menu -> Click Mega -> Icon -> Select Custom Class -> Enter Icon class name: https://prnt.sc/1vowbxt
    – Add custom css for this Icon class in the style.css file (child-theme) with the background image being the icon image uploaded above
    2. If it’s a font file
    – Call the font file to your website
    – Go to Customize menu -> Click Mega -> Icon -> Select Custom Class -> Enter Icon class name: https://prnt.sc/1vowbxt
    – Add custom css for this icon class in the style.css file with the content of the icon font above

    Support Expired

    Add custom css for this Icon class in the style.css file

    What’s the code for adding custom css for icons? Do we need to do it separately for every single icon? Any sample code or video tuorial?


    I think it will be difficult to show you how to do it in detail and not sure if you can do it.
    We can customize these icons for you, however this customization will be charged

    Support Expired

    If you share the icon class code then it will be easy for me to edit & paste it on child theme css as I want to change icons on megamenu at the earliest

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