Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #2940
    Support Expired

    Hello. I install the demo according to the instructions, the demo is not imported. help me please



    I have just imported demo for you, please recheck and let me know if you need to help.

    Support Expired

    Thank you. There are a few details that have not been established.
    1. There is no feedback form in the “Contacts” menu.
    2. Heder is not atkyo as in the example (you have it in a dark style, we have a light and small one)
    3. No e-mail form for subscribers
    4. On the page “Home1” does not scroll like you have in the example.
    5. There are not many pages in the “shop” column:
    Shop Layout
    Product Page
    Sop Page and many others.
    Please install the full theme, as in your demo.

    Support Expired

    6. In the preview on the page
    for home page 3 or home page 4 it is specified that the topmost picture should be flipped, however this feature is not available in the theme.
    7. There is no Discover Now button like on the first page in the example


    Hi again,

    Please recheck your site, I have just re-imported data for you.

    Support Expired

    Thank you, everything works except for point 4:
    On the page “Home1” does not scroll like you have in the example.



    Please delete all caches and recheck:

    Support Expired

    Thank you. everything is working. Good luck!


    We glad to hearing that the trouble was resolved!
Let us know if you get any issue, we will give you the best solution to resolve them.
    Don’t forget to vote us 5 stars 

Thanks & Regards,

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