HomePage Forums Themeforest Marco Good – Fast Food Restaurant WordPress Theme How to change column number for related products on mobile?

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    I’d like to change column number from 2 to 1 for related product on single product page but don’t really know how to do this.

    You can see the 2 columns, on mobile, on your demo here : https://demo.leebrosus.com/marco-good/product/ergonomic-linen-gloves/

    It seems to work changing the css rule below replacing value 2.3 by 1.3, but after changing swiper does not work as expected anymore :

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
    .single-product .products > li {
    width: calc(100% / 1.3) !important;

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi there
    Please follow the instructions shown in the images below:
    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Step 3:

    Hope this help!



    I missed this part of the settings. It’s ok now!

    Thanks for your very quick answer.

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