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  • #11564
    Avatar[email protected]

    I believe I am having an issue importing the theme. It does not appear to fit to size and I am having an issue with the media files as well. Thank you very much!


    Please check your hosting settings, it seems your hosting has not granted permission to write files to your host:

    Avatar[email protected]
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Avatar[email protected]


    I have a better description as to what is happening. Essentially, WP offload media is having some issues talking to the theme all of my pre loaded images in the amazon s3 bucket are throwing an error. Hopefully that gives you a better idea as to what is going on thank you!


    Can I reset the data or can you set up another dev version so I can reinstall the demo for you?

    Avatar[email protected]

    Yes you may, the issue we are having I believe is with the static images probably something to do with offload media not sure but thank you very much for taking a look!


    I think your hosting is having problems. I tried to reset the data and reinstall the demo for you, but the custom Elementor css was not loaded on your site, causing the display to fail.
    Can you install the demo to another hosting to test again?

    Avatar[email protected]

    Hi Lee.

    What we’re trying to do is bring the WP deployment from other hosting provider we have with a third party company. The issue could be located in the Off Load Media plugin because the configuration we bring from there has a weird behavior. Is it possible that due that plugin configuration the static files from your theme are being look for in a different location?

    This is what i see in the wordpress options table is this:


    The problem is that if we remove that parameter, none of the images are found.

    I just change the parameter so you can see the result.


    I can’t check the image link you sent, it’s corrupted.
    Please handle the hosting issue from your side, if everything is fine, you can install the theme and import data as usual

    Avatar[email protected]


    Sorted that issue thanks. I am having an issue with this button though.


    I want the text to be white and it is showing as red pulling from the theme!

    Thank you.

    reference blue buttons on


    Please add this custom CSS to the customize CSS or the file style.css:

    ul.products li.product a[class*=product_type_], ul.products .wc-block-grid__product a[class*=product_type_], .wc-block-grid__products li.product a[class*=product_type_], .wc-block-grid__products .wc-block-grid__product a[class*=product_type_]{color: #fff !important;
    Avatar[email protected]

    Amazing, you’re the best!

    Do you mind providing me the same to adjust the single product to have white text as well they are showing red. Thanks again for all your help!


    I can’t connect to your site, please recheck:

    Avatar[email protected]


    Add custom CSS code:

    .single-product div.product .summary.entry-summary .single_add_to_cart_button, .single-product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs a{
    color: #fff;
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