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Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #10942
    Support Expired

    Hi supporter,

    It’s new question.

    You can try on this link : https://v3.ch-udomtechnology.com/

    Use case [BROWSE CATEGORIES > Batteries > Brake]

    sample on your site :

    but sample on my test site:
    Link item still used : https://v3.ch-udomtechnology.com/#

    1) It’s bug on import test db ?
    2) do you want to user & password on my test site for checking ?



    I can’t login to the admin dashboard, please recheck your account: https://prnt.sc/5aeZB6seK2QE

    Support Expired
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    You have shared this password before and cannot log in.
    Please double check your login information carefully and make sure I can log in to your admin dashboard.
    You are wasting a lot of time just because of this problem!

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    Support Expired

    Test comment.

    Support Expired

    Not sure why sometime can’t comment or reply message on your helpdesk site.

    Support Expired

    Why on my imported some picture don’t show.
    see on https://v3.ch-udomtechnology.com/
    on Best Seller section, Top Hot Deals section and Best Rated section and From the blog section.

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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Support Expired

    ok, i’m understand it, thank you.

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